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Thursday, April 27, 2017


disclaimer:  We received the product below for free in exchange for our honest opinions.  All opinions remain our own.


  Wondercide is another company working to remove toxic chemicals from our daily lives.  One of the trickier areas to avoid chemicals comes with the removal and avoidance of pests from our pets, homes, and yards.  Pests are typically eradicated by calling an exterminator, using flea control drops, or spraying our yards with who knows what.  Well Wondercide had a better idea...fight nature, with nature.

  Wondercide produces a variety of products that use safe and effective cedar oil to repel and/or extinguish pests such as fleas, ticks, spiders, ants, mosquitos, etc.  You will just have to check out their website to see the vast array of products they make, it is amazing.

  We each received a bottle of the Flea & Tick for Pets, Bedding & Carpet and here are our thoughts:

  Mommy in GA:  I just want to tell ya'll that this stuff smells AMAZING!!  I received the 4 oz.  Flea & Tick Control for Pets & Home.  

I did a test area on my dog and couch before the actual application (about an hour before actual use) know like you are supposed to do with your hair color LOL.  So the best way to apply is to spray and rub in, my dog doesn't like being sprayed very much but the rubbing it in is good : )  But do not spray this directly on their face,  apply the spray to your hand and gently wipe it onto their face.  

Seeing as how I do not allow the dog on the couch I decided to save the rest of the spray for the actual dog.  

Seeing as how summer is creeping up on us, and we have camping on the brain,  I think it would be great to have the Flea & Tick Yard and Garden, Natural Personal Insect Repellent, and also the Natural and Organic All-Purpose Pest Control for your campsite.  You could spray around your tent/camper site and apply the Personal spray to yourself and your kiddos : )

Just thinking that would be a great idea as I love the idea of all of these natural products!!!

  Mommy in PA:  Well I had actually requested a totally different product as I was hoping to prevent my basement from becoming a spooky spider place again this spring but alas they sent me this instead.  I do have a dog but he does not do well with spray products, they tend to startle him which in turn leaves him peeing on the floor : (

  Well I decided to make the most of the product I received and had my hubby spray the basement walls.  I would have done it but I was afraid we may have spiders come running out of the cracks (we have a stone foundation) and the thought just terrified me : )

  The good has been about two weeks since application and I have yet to see another spider on my basement walls.  This is fantastic!!!  And it smelled nice too 
: )  Now I would not recommend people using the Flea & Tick for Pets, Bedding & Carpet for their walls as we did just because it would be a lot easier using their other products made for that purpose and we are all out of product now after just one application,  I believe the stuff made for that actually comes in a larger size : )

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