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Thursday, June 21, 2012

Thrifty Thursday

Yay For Popcorn!!

Okay so we are doing the "Week Of Popcorn" thanking Orville Redenbacher and "The Dish" for sending us our free sample!!!   Anyway for Thrifty Thursday we were thinking we could use popcorn as the filling in beanbags for the kiddos to play games with.  You could easily make a gameboard by using a a sheet of plywood or a cardboard box and cutting holes in it and labeling them each with a different number of points. 

You could also make your own ice packs using unpopped kernels.  Just place them in a freezer bag (or make your own cloth bag) and place the bag with the kernels in it in your freezer for a few hours.  This works better than ice cubes because it won't melt and you can refreeze the kernels and use them again and again.  Just leave ice pack in the freezer when you aren't using it that way it will be ready when you need it.

And there's always the classic maraca, you can use any kind of container (leftover plastic Easter eggs work well, make sure to tape them shut) put in a small handful of kernels and you're good to go.

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