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Sunday, September 23, 2012

Storytime Sunday

Perfect Lies
By: Jennifer Crow
This weeks storytime sunday is Perfect Lies, which teaches you how to overcome 9 hidden beleifs that stand between you and happiness.
The perfect Lies are as follows:
1. I am unloveable
2. I Am Worthless
3. I Am Unacceptable
4. I Am Unable
5. I Am A Target
6. I am Not Angry
7. I Am Bad
8. I Am In Danger
9. I Am Deprived
Not everyone feels this way and this book may not help everyone out there but, reading this book could give yall a little insight into why some people or even you yourself feel the way they do.
Pretty much if you can overcome the above lies (which the chapters of the book and the author's tale will help you figure out how)
You can overcome anything and be happy for real!!
This story tells of all the struggles the author went through and how she was able to turn it all around.
The story will move you and strengthen your beleif in God, Lies are the toxic thoughts that we let course through us whether it is someone telling us the lies, or it is personal beleifs about the lies going through you .
The book goes on to explain the everyday emotions we all go through and how they impact the lies also.
I don't want to say too much and give the story away but, I want yall to know that if any of the above statements are ones that have gone through your mind this book may be able to help you understand and work through the problems you are going through.  The book also goes to show that you are not alone and that other people feel this way and are looking for a solution too.
Hopefully you give this book a chance and if you need it I hope that it is of some help!!!
I think that this book could really benefit the right audience!
disclaimer: I received this book for free through tyndale in exchange for my honest review, all opinions are my own!

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